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Power armor torso keeps disappearing


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The torso to my power armor keeps disappearing for some odd reason, even though every piece of my full power armor is in perfect condition and not broken.


When this happens, the torso still shows up in the power armor HUD, but when it disappears, I lose the power armor buffs like increased carry weight, no falling damage, extra meelee damage, and a forward-light headlamp.


It disappears in third person mode and in first person mode my "gloves" disappear and I can see my character's regular hands.


My headlamp also doesn't work after my power armor torso vanishes.


What might be causing this?

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First, try it without TrueStorms. Its known to cause weird problems.

Pipboy remover is also reported to cause problems with power armor.

And some posing-mods are causing loops in the engine, resulting in crashes or inventory-loss.


Your other mods should be fine. So try to remove this mods and try again. And remember to uninstall in nexus mod manager, not just disable them. Disabling leaves the files in game folder, and cause still harm.

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