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TES Construction Set not working


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Does anyone have any ideas how to fix a broken TESConstructionSet application? I try to open the program and it begins to open, pauses then opens a window and show the following:


Microsoft Windows


TES Construction Set has stopped working.


Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: TESConstructionSet.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 461430cf

Fault Module Name: TESConstructionSet.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 461430cf

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0000615b

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 2e02

Additional Information 2: a091be5db5f6f5b165c6a9372ff89380

Additional Information 3: c689

Additional Information 4: 208cc0bef8410174ded5834d89780b6e


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I have uninstalled and reinstalled two times the version and even deleted the .ini file. Still nothing.



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Did you delete the ini in your "mydocuments" folders?


What are your system specs?


Are you using Vista, or a version of the CS which is for a different game version (1.2 CS for 1.0 or 1.1 game)?


Are you trying to load up a bad mod?


Did you install the CS somewhere else other than your Oblivion directory?

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Did you delete the ini in your "mydocuments" folders?


What are your system specs?


Are you using Vista, or a version of the CS which is for a different game version (1.2 CS for 1.0 or 1.1 game)?


Are you trying to load up a bad mod?


Did you install the CS somewhere else other than your Oblivion directory?


AMD 1.8ghz, 2gig ram, Nvidia GO 6150, Vista



I meet all req. and never had problems before. I even have several mods made, for some reason it just decided to not work. I was only trying to open the program, not load any esp yet. I noticed this after I accidently doubleclicked the icon in the task bar and it gave an error which I expected, but never expect it not to work again. Since then, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. Same error. I didn't see my .ini either, fortunately I saved a copy. Still It won't open the program.

After throwing them all out and deleting them, I downloaded again from The Elder Scrolls utilities link and still won't work.

It's been suggested to me twice to move oblivion and cs to different path, I fail to see how or what that will do.

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Thanks for the suggestion Buddah, I tried that and it helped clean registry a bit, but it didn't fix my problem. What I've done since then now is, I grabbed a new downloaded version placed it on a jump drive and transferred it to my desktop. Uninstalled any version I had there and reinstalled with the new one. vers. 1.2.0 404 the same I have this on my laptop, but the desktop I wasn't sure. Anyway, the CS works fine there. I figured that either my .ini wasn't working so I took it from the desktop and deleted the laptops .ini, but I still, I get the window message that CS has stopped working and a description detail as follows


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: TESConstructionSet.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 461430cf

Fault Module Name: TESConstructionSet.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 461430cf

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0000615b

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 2684

Additional Information 2: 2ae3e618c98a8d4adb4b613587869347

Additional Information 3: eecd

Additional Information 4: e5ccd9ce9a6e38f7a9dab4438719ead6


I've noticed though this description is different now. meh, I don't know what's wrong.



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Thanks for the suggestion Buddah, I tried that and it helped clean registry a bit, but it didn't fix my problem. What I've done since then now is, I grabbed a new downloaded version placed it on a jump drive and transferred it to my desktop. Uninstalled any version I had there and reinstalled with the new one. vers. 1.2.0 404 the same I have this on my laptop, but the desktop I wasn't sure. Anyway, the CS works fine there. I figured that either my .ini wasn't working so I took it from the desktop and deleted the laptops .ini, but I still, I get the window message that CS has stopped working and a description detail as follows


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: TESConstructionSet.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 461430cf

Fault Module Name: TESConstructionSet.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 461430cf

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0000615b

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 2684

Additional Information 2: 2ae3e618c98a8d4adb4b613587869347

Additional Information 3: eecd

Additional Information 4: e5ccd9ce9a6e38f7a9dab4438719ead6


I've noticed though this description is different now. meh, I don't know what's wrong.




This really sounds like a software issue, give this a try.......run msconfig, disable all applications at startup, then restart, launch the CS and see if it works....if it does you have another application messing with it. Either way when you are done testing run msconfig again and reenable you startup menu applications and restart.

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This really sounds like a software issue, give this a try.......run msconfig, disable all applications at startup, then restart, launch the CS and see if it works....if it does you have another application messing with it. Either way when you are done testing run msconfig again and reenable you startup menu applications and restart.


Thanks Buddah, I tried disabling all startup app's, restarting but nothing still. I even tried moving to another directory. I don't understand it.



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Do you think newly increased firewalls and new installed internet security might have done something to CS? Recently I've installed these, infact it coincides with the timing.


.. and now I have no cs ini


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Ok, I found my problem. Somehow my drivers were exchanged, changed or something for my display. Although it mimicked my original driver, the driver that was there couldn't meet CS requirements, so BECAUSE... :verymad: system disks aren't provided with new pc's anymore. I downloaded from the manufacturer's website and fixed it.


CS works now. gah... :blink: what a hassle. I don't know what or how that the drivers were switched.



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Well I like your work, so I am personally delighted that you have this sorted out. Now no more excuses, back to work on the Underdark....yes I do try to be well informed.



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