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Broke it. Removing mods not helping. Advice.


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Hello all,


Hoping to get some help, please. I had FO4 modded with about 15 mods, all were running fine. I then acquired a SSD and wanted to instlal the game there. I Used NMM to uninstall mods, then removed it, then removed FO4, re-installed on SSD, and added NMM and used the Restore Mod Installation Backup (I had backed up, obviously). and blammo. Brokenness everywhere.


STEPS TAKEN (thus far over many days:)

Uninstalled NMM

Uninstalled FO4

Removed any files/folders in My Games and My Documents

Ran Advanced Systemcare's registry clean tool to (hopefully) remove the entries now pointing to non-existant mod files


Tried to reinstall all with backup NMM. Failed.

Uninstalled everything again, launched raw game. No NMM, no add-ons.

Tried twice more using Loot, etc. etc. Tried going back to very early saves, still glitched.

Still glitches.



  1. Unlimited Survival Activations - now the option to either set difficulty is gone (does not show Survival) or cannot be backed out of yet game is still set on survival mode"
  2. Survival Options - save item does not appear, changes made in menus do not register as being "on", etc.
  3. Scavver's Toolbox when dropped appears in mid-air, does not function except allowing to be picked up.
  4. Sim Settlements: invisible walls, doors floating in mid-air, broken ... everything.
  5. Conquest: simply works no longer - no ability to plant new settlement items, etc.


  1. Is this a problem of Saves having kept some bad code? If so, why wouldn't very old saves work properly?
  2. If it is NOT a save issue, but a problem with Registry, is there a way to do a very very clean removal of all associated files?
  3. If my only option is to play the game without mods, that's sad but fine, but I cannot seem to get a clean base game going off any existing saves - any ideas?

Please let me know what you need me to post screenshots etc. and I will be happy to do so. Also, can obviously open up and screenshot contents of folders.


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