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Nifskope to Blender help.


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I tried editing a hair mesh in Blender, but apparently I did something wrong because when I put it in the game it was invisible.


Here's what I did:

1. Export .nif to .obj to a folder in Nifskope

2. Import .obj into Blender

3. Edit in Blender

4. Export as .obj in Blender, saving the Normals and otherwise using default settings

5. Open in Nifskope and convert to .nif

6. Give it the correct name and stick it in the right folder

7. It's invisible in the game


What should I have changed in that procedure? Is there anything I should check?

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You can just tweak the .nif file (deleting shaders and set user version) so it can works with blender which mainly to keep the mesh weight/rigging (if it has it)

after you done all the editing with blender in nifskope make sure you set the partition number correctly for the hair mesh, you can open vanilla hair nif to find the correct partition number (never edited hair before).

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