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Texturing noob needs advice...


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I am attempting to create a glass panel. I started with "WRIntFloorSTMid03" and edited the dds files trying to make it transparent with a light-cyan tint and slightly reflective. When I loaded it up in game it was opaque light-cyan reflecting torchlight as pure-white.


I started off copying and renaming the *.nif and the two *.dds files so nothing in the game would be affected. The xx01_n.dds I set to medium gray and the xx01.dds I set to light-cyan with 26/255 Transparency-Alpha.


Where did I mess up at?


I am using NifSkope and Paint.NET for editing.



Side note: my choice in flooring was poor as it has a wide border that goes all the way around it, but if I can get this to work, I can apply the same process to a more appropriate floor tile.

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