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why is it when i choose the femaleeventoned npc voice she insults me


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This comes from having an NPC be in the Player Faction. You have bleed-off from dialog topic ThrowVoiceLine in the quest related to the dragon shout "Throw Voice." Because of this, I do not usually put NPCs into the Player Faction anymore.
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This comes from having an NPC be in the Player Faction. You have bleed-off from dialog topic ThrowVoiceLine in the quest related to the dragon shout "Throw Voice." Because of this, I do not usually put NPCs into the Player Faction anymore.


if you dont put them in the playerfaction they disappear when you release them?


i also noticed that only some voices can be followers. is there a list somewhere?

Edited by aarons6
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  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old post but thanks for the info...had two followers that use the female even tone voice suddenly go wonky on me & start talking in throw voice insults. Could not figure out when & why this happened (they were normal for a long time before bugging out).


After seeing this post I fixed with targeted command to remove player faction from them:


addfac 00000DB1 -1


Didn't have time to test, but not seeing any ill effects - follower dialog still there & working as it should (just no creepy reverb chamber voiced insults, lol)

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