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Difficulty with CK side structure snapping rules, Help!


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SOLVED: Thanks steve40

I have created a few custom pieces of structure. I'm working on and institute set, I have done all the blender > max > nif > elric > mesh work. I have everything in game and working quite well except.
I have my connection points well and truly where I want them. And in most cases they work. All but in one pretty normal configuration.

On with the screenshots!
This works fine (although odd because they aren't meant to go together xD)

This works fine


This works fine


BUT this /doesn't/



And I have no idea how to fix it I thought it might be WorkshopItemOverlap as an actor value in CK and to some extent its true. Thats how I got
the third screenshot to work so it /seems/ that value dictates how many units a model can clip into it or something. probably not quite since 128 units is
half a "square unit" in settlements. To that effect I have tried values of 8 to 128 and both the ceiling piece here (a test object) and the walls currently have
the overlap value at 128.

As you can see it works with the shack walls. So I thought I might of had the connect points placed wrong. But the ceiling points on the shack wall and my
institute wall are both y -128.

If anyone has some insight on this particular issue. I would love to hear it.

If you are wondering why I don't just clip the wall model back so that they don't clip in the first place. I intentionally built the model like that so that the inside curve
didn't create a bizarre sharp edge. If I absolutely must. I will. But I know there are other workshop items that clip when snapping just fine so I would love to know the answer.

Edited by Rorax
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Try clipping back the collision on that piece (rather than the whole mesh) so it doesn't interfere with the snapping. When collison boxes overlap it tends to prevent the snap points from working.

Edited by steve40
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You may try AV WorkshopOverrideXYBounds (value = 240.0) in combination with WorkshopIgnoreNonRefOccupiedSnap (value=1.0) for the floor/ceiling parts.

For the walls try WorkshopOverrideXBoundMin (-120), WorkshopOverrideXBoundMax (120) and WorkshopOverrideZBoundMax (240.0) plus WorkshopIgnoreNonRefOccupiedSnap

This may or may not help; your mileage may vary.

Edited by deadbeeftffn
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You may try AV WorkshopOverrideXYBounds (value = 240.0) in combination with WorkshopIgnoreNonRefOccupiedSnap (value=1.0) for the floor/ceiling parts.

For the walls try WorkshopOverrideXBoundMin (-120), WorkshopOverrideXBoundMax (120) and WorkshopOverrideZBoundMax (240.0) plus WorkshopIgnoreNonRefOccupiedSnap

This may or may not help; your mileage may vary.

I was really excited for these to work. But Alas poor yorik :P Anyway thank you so much


I'm going to try making the collision mesh more hospitable

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