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Landscape editing help


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Hi and good day to you all,


I wanted to know is there any ways to edit the landscape so that certain buildings appear on a flat piece of land after the trigger of the custom quest had been satisfied. But i don't want it to be a static replacement. Meaning that when i make the necessary adjustment to the landscape it will be hidden from the game view before the trigger , but after the quest had been done the adjustments will appear on the landscape. For example, a flat piece of land in Skyrim after finishing the custom quest there appears a farmhouse. I've been tampering with the creation kit for a while figuring this out, but to no avail. Would appreciate your help and mention your name in credits. Many thanks.

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I don't think landscape shapes (or textures, for that matter) can be altered by a quest like that, I remember Oblivion having similar limitations. The best you could do is make the plot of land blend into the surrounding area as much as possible, while still making it suitable for building a house on (no big rocks/monster spawns/etc.).
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I dun mean to change the landscape by that. I've thought about removing and smoothing out a certain area in skyrim. And then have the buildings appear soon after. How about replacing the structures then? would it work out? I have no trouble trying to piece the quest together with that. Only concern i have is the static placement of buildings in the first instance will definitely affect the mod. As i dont want it to be there before the quest triggers.
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Oh I see what you're after here. What you're trying to do is possible, then, but I'm not totally sure how to do it. I'd bet it has something to do with the "Enable Parent" tab on the static's menu (when you double-click in the render window), that's how things like houses can get new clutter if you buy an improvement. Past that, though, I've never used the feature, sorry.
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