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Question about dialogue topics


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Hello everyone. This is a quick question about Morrowind dialogue.



I'm creating a mod that adds a tavern with a rent-able room.


Would it be better for me to handle the renting of the room through a new topic (e.g. rent room) instead of adding to the existing 'beds' topic?


I understand that creating new dialogue in an existing topic can cause problems with mods that alter the same topic, such as LGNPCs.



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Use the standard beds topic. Standards when implemented are good. To do a proper job, you will have to make a new global short variable (e.g. Rent_my_tavern) and filter the bed access properly in dialog and using a local script attached to your publican NPC (templates for this are already present, take a look at how this is implemented e.g. in Tribunal.esm using the Rent_MH_Guar global variable and script HessionScript) Edited by abot
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Thanks. I'm OK with using a global variable and local script, it's literally just the dialogue that confuses me so much.


Does it matter where in the 'beds' topic I add my NPC's responses (i.e. above or below existing responses)?


The CS seems to mark the responses next to yours at changed even though they aren't. Does this matter?

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Thanks. I'm OK with using a global variable and local script, it's literally just the dialogue that confuses me so much.

there are several dialog tuorials around, but the gist of it is: first INFO line whose filters condition are all verified as true is executed, lines below are skipped

so basically order is

do option 1

do option 2

ask if you want option 1 or option 2

which is reversed to what happens in game


The lines change before/after the current line is because dialog is stored as a doubly linked list, they are not really needed as the engine can make them on the fly but only TESTool cleans them automatically

Edited by abot
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Looking at Abot's advice which is spot on I only have one thing to add. When you make a new global variable add your initials to the start of it


i.e. RM_variable_name


Cuts down the change of it being overwritten by another mod. Especially if you use common wording as your variable


i.e. wait

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