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Installation Questions and a couple more


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Ditching the console, building a proper gaming pc again (i7700k, single gtx 1080, would love a Ti, but ahve no more children to sell into bondage, will be oh jan-feb before can pop for the gpu, rest of rig up with integtaed graphics end Nov my last sock 939 amd fx60, asus a8n32sli deluxe (close enough) 2x8800 Ultras in sli..... still a never installed/used nib xfx 8800 ultra collecting dust.


Amway, what I essentially want to do, is have the games files on the ssd, my os will be on a mechanical drive, I want the save files to be on the mechanical....every google search is steam this or that....am buying the GOT PC Version on disc....


Have a brand new hybrid hdd....so issues about save load times, not an issue, not that it bothers me anyway.


So best approach to achieve this, assume would also apply to TES MW-Skyrim, FO3-F04.


Oh and any benefit to unpacking bsa's these day...with game files on a ssd?


Why wear out nand cells when you don't have to......and since I tend to spend more time, playing around with mods (even if not something intend to use,prone 2 dl just to admire the work,) etting them tp play nice.....so will saves in legion.. :o


will be using the gamepad...hoping there might be a source for how to do this with all the TES and FO games....have looked into a little bit...


Tools: Wryebash is a given, more than few tools listed outhere on nexus...so would be thankful for the must haves....


and I thank you very much in advance


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