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Error help? Pointer value cannot be cast as NumericID : Size bust BSUInt32.

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Whenever I try to save my mod, I get the error: "Pointer value cannot be cast as NumericID : Size bust BSUInt32."


It is NOT a converted/oldrim mod. I created it in the SSE creation kit and have only tested it in SSE Skyrim. It's just a small house mod -literally only some walls with a floor right now, and after viewing it in game for about the 3rd time and then returning to the creation kit, I start getting this error out of absolutely nowhere? The few other forums I found with people having the same issues were no help, they just talked about dialogue conditions and constructible items. However, as I said, the mod is currently just some walls and a floor, there are no conditions or constructible objects as far as I know.


I've gotten far enough with the basic construction that it'd be a bit of a heartbreak to start from scratch because of a random error, and it's not one of those random errors that I can just ignore because it literally does not allow me to save my file. Can anyone offer some help? Thank you!

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