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Swapping custom follower faces


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Specifically bijin to seranaholic.


I have copied everything I could to make it exactly the same. Modified the npc file to copy the chargen data. Modified the tex files to pull from the appropriate bijin npc. Did the same to the armor addons for the nifs. Modified the head parts to pull the correct chargen data file, tex, and model.


What happens in game is the body model, hair model, and body texture copies over but the face does not and neither does the hair texture. Even the body weight setting in the npc file doesn't change when in game. I have the esp at the bottom of the load order to prevent conflicts.


I don't know what to do. I tried this earlier with vilja and Chaconne before I realized there was a mod already, but I at least got everything there working except for the hair texture.


I was using TES5Edit if that helps. Can any one point me in a direction to get it to work?

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The npc facegen you want to add has to have the exact naming in the mesh data for each head component the old one has.


In nifscope, open the head you want to change, check out the text strings on each block.

open the head you want to change to, the blocks need to match. Have both heads open.


ie: example (I am just guessing the strings so you get what I am saying)


old head string (the one you want to change) is "SeranaHeadFemale01" <- just an example string and not what it actually is ok?

new head string (you want this head to show) is "BijiinHeadFemale01"


Change the "BijiinHeadFemale01" string to "SeranaHeadFemale01"


do this for all the meshdata strings on each block and then save over the old seranaholic head

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