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Scale, Chain and Plate!


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i had a nutty idea for a way to create custom armour in game. i don't know if it's even possible but here we go.


armor should b divided into categores:

hide based armours (leather, studded, fur etc, introducing boiled leather)

introducing CHAIN (missing from the game for some weird reason, even tho there are armours that have chain here and there)

scale (metal disks overlapping each other)

banded (like the imperial armour)



u can customize your armor by using combinations of these 4 categories. for example you can combine chainmail with boiled leather, chainmail with scale or plate, etc. the weight alone decides the type of armour.

also, u can use different metals for different parts. for example elven chain, corundum chain, steel chain,

corundum scale, elven scale, orcish scale, dragon scale, ebony scale

iron plate, steel plate, elven plate, glass plate, dwarven plate, orcish plate, ebony plate, daedric plate, dragonplate.


say u r making an ebony platemail. u'd b able to use more or less plate coverage and have chain or leather underneath, customize pauldron size/shape, no pauldrons option, leather/studded/chain skirt.... u'd literally b able to come up with your own armours. u craft every component separately. when u have made a cuirass u can change parts of it to upgrade.


guess this could keep someone busy for a while!

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