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Golden Red Dragon Scale


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Personally I think the colors for gold and red on the retexture looks believable but the gray feels out of place in it now. I would suggest either black or white (or perhaps do both and let the users choose between them if it's being released by itself).
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well im kinda new in skyrim, i have apply a level for bone/scale to be darker but look not really ingame, i dont know how to make those _n.dds files i guess is like the shader, if anyone know anything on how to do this texture map i would apreciate :) thanks for your comments i guess im gonna go further in skyrim modding, already made few things but get stuck on _n.dds file^^ well thanks again and sorry for my bad english :)

PS: black scale/bone was my 1st idea but the map (_n.dss) made it brighter.

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well, i dont know how to make it from original texture but i know what is for^^

is kinda use for the shader and extra details ingame, the color of the layer(_n.dds) make on ingame object a shadow and/or border details added to the original texture.

if u got time to waste u can use the original _n.dss file and edit it like i did for chest but that thing is kinda long...

im sure there a way to create it whit original texture, question is how to^^

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the _n.dds files, are normalmaps, and the alpha channel is the specular map.


so open the _n.dds file, and edit the alpha channel only (it's grayscale), anything you want to look bright/shiny should be white, anything you don't want shiny should be black. then save it out as a 32bit .dds file.

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lol Yeah I've tried to do it based off of the original but all it ended up doing was making it look like wet pleather when I tried, but armor mods aren't really my thing so I figured I'll worry about it later. I did mean that I am stuck on how to make it, I've tried 3 different ways to make one that worked with a retex and it didn't look right at all.
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think of it like this:

your diffuse map/texture is how you want your model to look when there is no light present.

your specular map/texture is how you want your model to look when there is light directly on it.


the engine then interpolates between the two values, in some engines (like unreal for example) you can make the specular map it's own colour, and therefor have say... a green diffuse, which will then turn purple when it reflects light. skyrim however only handles grayscale specular, so it can only really be used to tell you how shiny a surface is, not how it changes/reacts to light.


so for a glossy black armour, i would go with black diffuse, and then gray specular, with white highlights for edges and scratches.

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