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Are you able to re-export my nif from 3DS max with rotated collision data


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Would any of you fine folks that have 3DS Max and creation kit tools be able to do something for me? I have a model, which is all set up and working in the creation kit, however, I need it and it's collision rotated. I can rotate the model in Nifskope, but not the binary collision data. My model is currently facing forwards down the X axis. I need it and it's collisions to face down the Y axis. My trial of Max has expired so I can't go back and re-export it from max with new collision. If you have a few minutes, would you be able to download my nif and import to max and export with the model and collision facing down the Y axis. Thank you to anyone who can! :smile:

It's a movable static object.

Edited by cypher2012
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You can rotate collision in Nifskope. The problem with your mesh is that your collision is attached to the root node, so if you rotate it, it rotates the whole mesh. Instead, create a subnode and attach the collision to it. Then rotate the subnode as desired :)

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You can rotate collision in Nifskope. The problem with your mesh is that your collision is attached to the root node, so if you rotate it, it rotates the whole mesh. Instead, create a subnode and attach the collision to it. Then rotate the subnode as desired :smile:


oooh you beautiful bastard! :D Thank you! That solved it!


Here is the nif structure:



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