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Creating an alternately textured armour?


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Hi everyone. In brief, what i'm wanting to do is take an existing armour model, and create another version of it, using the same model, but my own texture. For maximal efficiency it would be best to reference the existing model rather than creating a copy of it, if that's possible (though nifs are pretty small anyway so it's not overly important)


From a quick look in the construction set, i couldn't see any place to choose a texture - it seems like the choice of texture is bound up in the nif.

I'm pretty good at this sort of stuff in other games (Civ IV) so i don't need kid gloves. Can anyone give me some brief info on how to accomplish using an alternate texture -without- affecting the original asset. Am i going to need to use nifscope here, or even blender? or is it something i can do by editing a text file, or copying the nif and placing it somewhere ?

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