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Moving Settlers Between Settlements Question


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Anyone know of a mod that makes it possible to send ALL settlers to a specific settlement? For example, in Sanctuary, there are a few settlers that cannot be sent away from sanctuary to a different settlement. I was simply wondering if there was a mod that makes it possible to take those unmovable settlers and send them off to wherever you need them to go. I'd like to play Fallout 4 using potentially only a single settlement instead of a lot of them or maybe 5 settlements. There are some annoying locations though to build on where you cannot send away the settlers that are there by default. Thanks for any info!

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don't think a mod that handle the movement from the default settlers exist

it to much of a hassle to make it work, and even then it works only when you start a brand new game


to explain it, you have to go into the ck, change all the workshopnpc scripts from all the default settlers that belong to the official settlements

there are a couple of options in that script that handle the movement or sup line ect, now the bigger problem is, even if some 1 decided to do this it only works

when you start a brand new game, the scripts are activated when the game start, changing them haf way, in any game play don't work, because the script only fire 1's


so in short if you want a mod like that, start learning to work with the ck and make your own

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