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[LE] script to teleport follower to player


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hi all, my follower cant keep up sometimes, was told > Thats actually pretty simple to do with a script attached to a follower ref, onunload(), on lost LOS and distance > x, then moveto(player) < quote 2012 post, but have no idea how to do

i suck at papyrus, it either does not compile or does nothing in game

made new follower actor>aaajessy, alias >jessyalias, quest>aaajessyquest1

can someone show me what i need in script pleaseeeeeeeeee

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This only works if you've got custom AI packages set up, but what I did is put a "follow" AI package at the top of their stack that triggers on the following conditions:

GetInSameCell, player, == 0

GetLineOfSight, player, == 0 OR

GetDistance, player, > 2048 (you can use any distance, really)



And then added the following script fragment to run on package start:



You change cells constantly running around the world, so you don't want this to trigger on every cell change. This is set up so it kicks in if there's a cell change AND either the follower can't see you OR is not close to you.


Game.GetPlayer() seems to be the most reliable way to get a script to recognize the player, though there are others.

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By the way... If the scripting is too intimidating, a much easier way for a follower to keep pace is to up their run speed. The speed setting is just in the stats of the character record. At 100% they tend to fall behind just from not running in perfect straight lines behind you. Too fast and their movement becomes kind of unnatural. I've found 130% to be a good "sweet spot" where followers can keep up pretty well.


This does not solve problems of followers getting lost or stuck or not going through doors with you, but it keeps them from lagging way behind when you run around.

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