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Character not using weapon


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anyone? please i really need help with fixing this, :wallbash: :wallbash:


and i just reliezed that not only is the character not equipping the weapon, but it isnt attacking our opponents at all. wth is going on, it was like this a while ago?!

Edited by Glyfi
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anyone? please i really need help with fixing this, :wallbash: :wallbash:


and i just reliezed that not only is the character not equipping the weapon, but it isnt attacking our opponents at all. wth is going on, it was like this a while ago?!


Have you removed the followers starting weapon equipment? The only way I can think of to recreate your problem, is to fire up the editor, edit a npc by deleting whatever weapons they start with. Such a plugin would probably make the npc behave as you have described.


I hope that helps.


Clarfication: Removing a npc:s starting weapon ingame has of course no effect, it is a npc who starts with no weapons at all that behave in the manner that you have described.

Edited by jackelinas
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