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Ultimate Melee Behemoth Drop


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I use the Super Mutant Redux by MadMAX713, joemitchell320 and Thirdstorm, awesome mod and highly recommended if you want to spice up the mutants. With this mod, the Behemoths very occasionally drop their hydrant cudgel, which has become my favorite melee weapon of the game. Problem is, sometimes I get it with the first Behemoth I encounter, other times I get up to level 60 with ne'er a cudgel to be found. The one criticism I have of the mod is I think the authors should have increased the chance of one being dropped, as now it is quite difficult to come by one.


So...I want to place a dead Behemoth in the world with a hydrant cudgel in its inventory. Despite not knowing anything of modding, I tried my hand at it but could only figure out how to add a live Behemoth to the world, and it had NO weapon, neither visible in its hand during combat nor in its inventory upon death. Not sure if the cudgel is vanilla assets or added in by SMR(where do I find the cudgel? in the vanilla game or do I need SMR enabled in the Creation Kit?). I have looked at tutorials but was unable to find what I was looking for. I would love for someone to either make this mod or provide me with some information on how to do it myself. Like I said, I have perused enough tutorial forums and sites for quite some time now and I am sadly at a loss.


If someone could please assist, I would be most appreciative.

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