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Reused dialogue issue with new follower character


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Hey guys, I've been trying to make a character a potential follower. My goal was to make it possible to, after a little dialogue, recruit them. I created a script that puts a really basic twist on the favor system; once you activate this script, you gain the favor of the speaker. So I've attached the script to a sort of recruitment offer speech. In my own preliminary testing, it works. Since the character is already in the game and voiced, I used the existing voice, which meant I had to use voice files from the original game. However, I can't select voices from the original game files in the voice selection box in the Creation Kit since the box is grayed out and only environmental sounds and the like appear in the drop-down box. So I'm using a workaround for now: I extracted the FUZ files in question, unpacked the XWM and LIP files, moved them where my mod expected them, and renamed them so that the mod found them. In basic testing, this works. I would rather point the game to the audio in the FUZs from the original BSAs, however, for three reasons.


1. I am unsure of the legality of posting XWM and LIP files from the base game here. I expect it's not legal, but I don't know.

2. It's fundamentally inefficient. If the voice is already in one of the BSAs, I should be able to point to it rather than in essence duplicate it and trick my game into thinking it's separate from the duplicate.

3. Download size, maybe. This portion would be 37-40 KB in size. It's pretty negligible, but still an inefficient use of resources.


Any input or things I should know about? What should I do now? The mod is basically done, I just wanted to test it a little and see if there would be any demand.


Edit: Three reasons. I originally said two but now I realize it seems I can't count.

Edited by spork542
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1. Is legal as long as it is for the same game and not ported from or to another. You are not using those assets for another game and those assets are not from another game. It is the same as using the farmhouse building kit except for some unknown reason your mod wont reference the ones from the .BSA. I think The Nexus would have an issue with having vanilla items duplicated, I think the Esbern dialogue fix of exporting the files from the .BSA was not allowed and your mod would do the same though thats a policy decision and not a legality one.

2. No clue.

3. Yeah that is negligible but still better to find out why the vanilla wont work without being in a directory.

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