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Partitions not exporting as assigned in Blender


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I'm having an issuse regarding selecting partitions in Blender and how they translate back into nifskope. I'm editing the thieves guild armor to make it more cape-compatible, but when i run through the motions to importing, to exporting, and such, i hit a wall. In blender, i have my three new partitions: BP_TORSO, BP_RIGHTARM, and BP_LEFTLEG. I look at the vanilla model of the armor in nifskope (just the torso as that's all i'm working with for now), i see that it has three partions, the legs being four verts up, the arms being three verts up, and the torso taking up the rest. I follow this to the exact specifications in blender when i assign the faces, yet when i export it, then open it up in Nifskope to prep for Skyrim, i end up with four different partitions. The RIGHTARM and LEFTLEG are just as i selected, but it seems that the BP_TORSO was seperated into two partitions, one encompassing the knees and the faces around them, and the elbows.


Has anyone encoutered this problem before?

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yeah me too




I followed the tutorial here on the nexus perfectly and had the same problem except with a creature.

I tried using something easy, the chaurus as it only has 1 partition, but after gettin it in nifskope it had 2


now I tried a couple times but it always came out the same, so I went ahead and gave it #32 in place of BP_TORSO in both new partitions and tried it in game and it worked


but the creature was pitch black


sorry I wasnt any help but I just popped in to find some help and saw your thread


maybe ghogiel will come to the rescue, he loves this stuff

Edited by dogtown1
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sf_vertex color flag 2




this thing has me stumped


edit: one other thing is that when I convert the shader to a skyrim shader, it does not give an option for "BSlightingShaderProperty"


just "BSshaderProperty"


edit again: I did get past the black texture thing by skipping the step where your supposed to change the UV number to 1 and change normals to "no"

but I dont know if this will effect the model somehow, it works and looks good in game


more edits: this time I did a spider, I was very careful to get every vertice exactly right, started with 2 partitions, ended up in skope with 6


again got the "BSshaderProperty" thing, again I skipped the "1 UV and no normals" step

the creature looks good, moves good, dies good


but is it good?

Edited by dogtown1
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Generally, you don't convert the BSShaderPPLighting whatever... just delete it, then right click your model, hit 'insert', go down the list till you find BSShaderLightingProperty, then click it. The new node will appear at the bottom, so you go back to the main block of your model, check the block list, then find properites (or children), expand it, then set one of the lines to the number that corresponds with the new node. You then do the same thing, but insert a BSTextureSet, go to the BSShaderLightingProperty, then set the line Texture Set to the number that corresponds with your new (new) node.
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I was using the above tutorial to get past not having nif scripts for blender, I dont know if you've seen it but in the tut it says to convert the old FO3 shader to BSlightingShaderProperty, I cant get skope to do that, it only gives the BSshaderProperty


do you think I should skip converting it and delete and insert instead?


the last step in the tut says to do that and I thought the convert was needed


I sent ghogiel a pm and asked if he could respond to this thread, the guy knows his stuff but sometimes he gets on a roll and uses big fancy technical talk that a hillbilly landscaper like me cant follow :biggrin:


again I've now edited about 5 creatures and all have worked, they render proper and work just fine in game,

but none of them have the # of partitions they are supposed to have

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Check this Tut out. I love ghogiel's tut, but frankly, a lot of it doens't explain itself. He tells you what to do, but he doesn't explian why. The above tutorial will help you fix a bunch of problems and help you understand how Skyrim itself works. Another problem with ghogiel's tut, is that most people can't convert the BSLightingPPShaderProperty do to certain nifskope/python setups, which even though he provides, don't work for most people. You're probably better off using both tutorials to cross refrence and expand your knowledge of the inner workings of nifskope.
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I already saw that one and it does not help the weird partition thing as well


the creatures seem to be working so ...


I wait and see




not many people jumpin in with ideas for this,

or dealing with the same problem

Edited by dogtown1
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