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I love Morrowind! :D


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So, I have been playing Halo and Oblivion lately, and I haven't played Morrowind in a LONG time. So I decided, "Why not get back to it today?"


Man, was it awesome! :D


No mods, original music, heck, I didn't even bother to install Bloodmoon or Tribunal! :rolleyes:


I'm sorry if this topic is random, it's just that I forgot how much I missed Morrowind until I played it again. :yes:


Now let me ask you, "What should I do?"



Oh, and if this isn't in the right section, feel free to move it (Moderators).



Off to play more Morrowind,


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..uninstall it and get back a gig of wasted space ?

...put down the sharp objects please gladto see that you like it but i could never get in to morrowind

when it wasnt crashing on me i usually ende dup lost or dead very very quickly

..dunno why i actually latched on to oblivion likei did now daggerfal is the one i am interested in


maybe ill dig up morrowind again i got the goty version lying around here somewhere

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Same for me. I decided to get Morrowind back, but now I own both Oblivion and Morrowind. Morrowind is there any time I want to play it. :biggrin:
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  • 4 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Even after playing Oblivion I cant put away Morrowind. I dont know what was more fun playing or modding it lol.


I think what I liked most it wasn't the same old stuff the creatures seemed so different not just the usual LotR or DnD knock offs like in Oblivion and most other rpgs.

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ive tried morrowind (dont own it, a friend does) and its a little more realistic. shopkeepers have a certan ammout of gold, you fast travel on those stild rider things. noone is essential (like in oblivion) but id like it of they had voice acting, maybe a little better graphics. and the beast races, i like how they cant wear certain armor. oblivion just seems a little too civilised... must be why i liek fallout 3. and morrowind is the reason i bought oblivion (worth it) saw it ont he shelf and im like "hey, this must be the sequel tot he game colin has" colin is my friend. and untill now, i didnt even know that there were more than 2 elder scrolls games ( i assumed that the elder scrolls 1 n 2 were books int he game that you could read, and that morrowind was the story of the next one)


well, glad ya like it.

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