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I need some help making alt mesh automatic plasma attachments, please


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Hi all,


I like the idea of plasma weaponry, but I find the mesh of the automatic plasma parts to be a load of bollocks. I'd like to use the vanilla long and short barrel meshes for my modded automatics. I have used the Creation Kit ealier to make custom items before, but I'm struggling greatly with making these custom attachments, with recipes disappearing when I make a duplicate of the improved automatic barrel and customise it. I'm also having difficulty finding videos on this particular matter...


I want my automatic plasma guns to look like vanilla semi-automatic plasma guns and I want to utilise the short barrel mesh to make an automatic plasma pistol, but otherwise being very much vanilla like. Improved versions in both cases and both replacer and standalone modded would work for me either way. So if anyone could have it in their hearts to help with advice and hints, or perhaps know of a particular video I could use, then I would appreciate it greatly!


Thanks for reading.

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