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Traders Guild


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Well I have had a big idea in my mind already since the release of Skyrim.

However, because of a heavy lack of free time the last game I had done mods for has been Morrowind. I'd be very eager to realize my idea on myself instead of requesting it but I have no experience at all concerning the rather complex looking Skyrim modding. So if anyone had the time to take a look at my idea and to make a mod out of it, i'd be a great thing. Otherwise I hope to do it on myself early enough before the next TES part being released.


The whole idea is about a Traders guild similar to the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild or The Companions.


With its headquarters at Solitude as Skyrim's most important port or at Whiterun as the country's trade hub, the Traders Guild could provide several quests:

- protecting trading caravans

- delivering goods to merchants

- obtaining special goods or artefacts from dungeons

- acting against the Thieves Guild, or venally cooperating with it

- suppressing the Khajit concurrence out of business

- suppressing merchants, who don't want to be member of the guild, out of business as well

- collecting fees from merchants

- prosecuting merchants who don't pay

- bribing imperial officials / lobbying

- cleaning outlaw hideouts at important trading routes to establish trading posts there instead

And instead of being random quests, the quests merchants give you will affect your reputation within the guild



edit: By the way, I've already heard about the Trade Guild mod. However, this is rather about building up an economical cycle as well as a banking system instead of providing the player with guild related quests.

Edited by azmari
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Doing this (at least the 1st 2 parts) in my Skyrim Trade Guild mod. It's taking a while due to other modding projects, real life, waiting for my architecture modder, etc.

Of course, I didn't want to say your mod didn't cover up some of the aspects. It's by far the mod closest to my ideas of what's still missing in Skyrim.

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