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[REL] Tytanis 1.01 - Skyrim Farming - Horse Armor Vendor


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Skyrim Farming + Horse Armor Vendor + Fixes





Note: You can TURN ON the effect (beam) when a plant is ready (default is off)


To turn it on, type in console - "set ShowPlantReady 1"


To turn it back off - "set ShowPlantReady 0"


Find seeds by finding "Flowering" plants in the world. (Random chance at getting seeds)


To plant - Hit the "Fertilized Soil" with your hoe. Only seeds you have will show in your inventory.


Plants grow in REAL-TIME. I may add a variable to speed them up as a cheat, but for now, eal with it =P


You can craft a Hoe at the forge for 1 iron ingot and 3 firewood.



Horse Armor Vendor


Big thanks to both tumbajumba and Mystikhybrid for the models.


Horse vendor's name is Skulvik, located at the Whiterun Stables.

Armor will be applied to the last horse you rode. It will KEEP it's original skin color.





Invisible armor fixes for female characters

Midas Magic integration updated to 0.08

Jewelcraft integration updated to 0.20

Deadly Dragons compatibility added (optional file)










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How do u attach the armor to the horse? is it by creating another horse or through scripting? cause I've been trying to attach the player to a creature without the riding problems ( no X angle ) without having much luck, maybe the method you are using to attach the armor to the horse might be of some use to me.
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I'd assume that the armour is just a decal (Like the blood effects) that doesn't dissapear.


On a side note, I'd like to know how you managed to get a working farming solution. Could help me with a mod I'm planning on...Involves trees being cut 'n' the such.


Edit: Nope, my bad. Didn't watch the whole video.


I guess they add a bone to the horse skeleton that would allow the Horse Armour item to be equipped to the horse.

Edited by GomuGomu64
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