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[LE] Navmesh Editing Issue


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Hello guys, I've recently faced a miserable but yet annoying issue. When I try to drag selected vertice, it stucks and does not move at first, then it jumps aside to an undesirable position. What the pluck :confused: I couldn't find any info covering this issue in CK tutorial. Unable to edit Navmeshes. Help!

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You're editing navmesh in a worldspace? If so, then it's the cell borders which prevent verts from crossing into neighboring cells. Hit C to show cell borders. Then grab each bordering vertex, hit F to ground it. Then in the neighboring cell, do the same and try to position the vertex next to the ones in the first cell. Do this to all border vertices. When ur done, Finalize the navmesh by hitting the ✓ mark. The border edges should light up green if everything is setup correctly.

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You're editing navmesh in a worldspace? If so, then it's the cell borders which prevent verts from crossing into neighboring cells. Hit C to show cell borders. Then grab each bordering vertex, hit F to ground it. Then in the neighboring cell, do the same and try to position the vertex next to the ones in the first cell. Do this to all border vertices. When ur done, Finalize the navmesh by hitting the ✓ mark. The border edges should light up green if everything is setup correctly.

Damn, forgot to tell: I am editing interior (Heimskr's House). Thank you for reply anyway, I'll try to follow your advice for interiors.

Edited by Skybroom
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... hit 1 twice to hide them (ALT +1 to unhide).

Excuse me?


Oh, I've just noticed: When I open Edit window for any object, and press up or down arrow in order to change position of an object, the strange thing happens: I can't change value to +1 or -1, it changes randomly to far more imposing values. For example, I have x: -490, I click "up", and instead of getting x: -489, I get x: -426. Looks like the zoom speed, or something similar to that have changed. Some settings. I guess, it's for the same reason I can't move vertices smoothely. Hope, I make it clear enough to understand.

Edited by Skybroom
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... hit 1 twice to hide them (ALT +1 to unhide).

Excuse me?


Oh, I've just noticed: When I open Edit window for any object, and press up or down arrow in order to change position of an object, the strange thing happens: I can't change value to +1 or -1, it changes randomly to far more imposing values. For example, I have x: -490, I click "up", and instead of getting x: -489, I get x: -426. Looks like the zoom speed, or something similar to that have changed. Some settings. I guess, it's for the same reason I can't move vertices smoothely. Hope, I make it clear enough to understand.


It sounds like you have snap to grid turned on.

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Turn off snap to grid and snap to angle. Click on and make invisible by typing 1 while selected any Fx like mist, light beams, banners, fires, NPCs and mannequins, and any other items that the vertices tend to get stuck on. Sometimes it helps to move your camera really close to the surface you want to place vertices on.

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I'd just add to the advice about fog FX.


Light markers and banners are a real pain too, as is anything like hanging moss in dungeons. Navmeshing is often done looking directly down on the floor so the Himalayan style peaks where a node has latched onto one of those accursed banners is not easy to see.


I now leave all things like banners and hanging plants until after I've done the navmesh.

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  • 1 month later...

None of it applies to interiors sadly :/

Only advice i got is when editing navmesh, always disable fog fx in the cell. Just typing FX into the cell window, filter them all out, and hit 1 twice to hide them (ALT +1 to unhide). Make ur life a ton easier.

THANK YOU so much. It's so helpful!

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