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Error message SKSE not installed


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I've reinstalled several times, and made sure I've got the up to date one, and have followed the instructions but I still get SkyUI saying I do not have SKSE installed.


Here is a picture of where I have put SKSE just in case I have it wrong. It starts up fine from the SKSE loader though, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.




Sorry for my ignorance.


P.S I have Wrye Smash, BOSS and NMM and when starting from Wrye or NMM it still doesn't work.

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Go in-game and open the console. Type "getskseversion". If it doesn't return a version number then SKSE isn't properly attaching itself. This is usually caused by running something in the background that interferes with the injection method. Any CPU boosting/background monitoring software or antivirus program you may be running could potentially cause this. Certain profiles in Radeon Pro (usually relating to Oblivion) have also been known to cause this. Edited by MShoap13
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