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[Idea/Help] New Idea for Lock-pick Mini game


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So I have an idea for the lock-pick mini game that would essentially take the "tumbler" approach from Oblivion and combine it with the mini-game of Skyrim. In oblivion you had a side dissection view of the lock and would use the pick to manipulate the tumblers within the lock. In Skyrim you have an external view of the lock where you just have to find the "sweet spot" and pop the lock open. What if you took the Skyrim external view and had to find the sweet spot for each tumbler?


Level - Amount of Tumbers

Novice - 1

Apprentice - 2

Adept - 3

Expert - 4

Master - 5


So for example if you come to a Adept lock you would have to find the "sweet spot" 3 times (each time it resets to a new location) until you hit the final one and then the door unlocks.


I know many of you are probably looking at me like I just got hit in the head with a brick. Most people despise the mini-game so why would I want to prolong it? I'm hoping to create a mod that would compliment Skyrim Souls - Unpaused Game Menus. By having the two mods together getting into locks would be a matter of time, and with unpaused menus that could prove to make some circumstances interesting. I would plan to make all lock dificulties available to the player from the start of the game BUT make the sweet spots increasingly harder (and possibly harder by tumbler). I would make lockpicks rare and either invulnerable or with beefed up health to compensate for the increased difficulty of the locks. Perks would increase the size of the sweet spot making locks easier.


I'm not sure if my original suggestion is possible but I would like to hear feedback from those who know more than myself on the subject.

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