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Generator-powered PA w/overdrive mode


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I got this idea from an ancient PS2 game "Ring of Red". Basically the idea is a set of PA (or only torso) with smoke-emitting generator (like settlement generators).


The generator would be silent, except during "overdrive mode" where it will activate and provide certain temporary boosts like:

1. Lowered AP drain & higher AP regen

2. Faster walking/sprinting & damage enemies by charging at them

3. Unarmed/melee weapon damage boost

Drawbacks would be:

1. More smoke coming out & noise from generator during overdrive

2. Overheating after overdrive mode : PA becomes temporarily unpowered

3. (Perhaps) slight damage to torso durability at the end of overdrive

4. Torso part is the heaviest of all PA due to generator mounted


Seeing how we can have a jetpack on a PA, I don't think this concept is impossible.


The overdrive mode could be in the form of chem, instead of injecting it to you, you inject it to the PA.


I hope my idea is heard. Thank you.

Edited by claiomhsolais
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