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Building a buyable house.


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Hey guys I hope this is the right place to put this, but I want to know how to create a buyable player home.


I have no idea on how to make the script or whatever is needed to make a player made home buyable. Anyhelp would be great.


I have done a google search and a search on this forums but nothing is about. (that I can see, unless I missed somthing!)


thanks anyway guys!

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You will have better luck looking at the vanilla houses you can buy in the construction kit. Also the Quest "HousePurchase" have a lot of info you can use.

It's not much to it, the player house is locked and the only way to get in is to buy the key from an npc (all that info with scripts, setup and conditions are all in the HousePurchase quest)

If you want the upgrades for it as well you need to use xmarkers that will be the parent for any item you want to be part of an upgrade, it's not difficult to understand if you just look at the excisting HousePurchase quest and how they have placed the xmarkers in the construction kit. :)

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