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Want to thank 3jiou and MGE


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Just came out of a 2 hour Skyrim session, and near the end of it, I fast-traveled from Solitude to some cave to clear out vampires.


Upon exiting fast travel, I appear and see a Forsworn and a Bandit fighting. As I watch them fight suddenly I realise my compass had a few more red dots around.


Suddenly, a dragon landed right infront of me boom! A Storm Dragon! It immediately started to rain and ice spikes started to fall all around, with the Forsworn and Bandits going at the dragon! When the dragon takes off, the Bandits and Forsworn go at each other again or take swings at Lydia and me.


As I fight around the forest, I hit a fasttravel marker that said "Warzone: Retaking Pine-something Redoubt" and straight away I realise what had happened.


A Deadly Dragon has spawned right on top of a Bandit versus Forsworn Warzone!


10 minutes of epic fighting later, Lydia and I stand alone amidst piles of Forsworn, Bandit Nords and a dead Storm Dragon. Thumbs up to 3jiou and MGE for producing these 2 fantastic mods!


Now, the rain just doesn't seem to want to stop :)

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