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Thanks BIOWARE, can't play yet even though I legitimately bought t


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plot holes and excessive uses of deus ex machina make it a terrible ending. bioware fully deserves all the hate.


like i said before there is only one ending with 3 outcomes which use the same ending not even the dialog is changed between them, even if somehow liked the endings. you have to admit that is damn lazy.


edit: the endings. i mean ending just feels poorly thought out and rushed.

Edited by hector530
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I'm sorry, it takes hours for something as big as a dreadnought to leave a system. As for being terrible ending, it's subjective opinion.

I could explain in detail why the endings were terrible. The number of plot holes the ending caused alone makes the ending terrible. It is not just opinion.


Also no. Ships in the ME universe can move faster then light.

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there's a lot of theories flying around about the endings one being


Destruction is the best ending since it's the only one that shows shepard waking up from his / her indoctrination fight and right there is where you are going to start in the upcoming DLC that will "fix" the ending.

It was all a hallucination guys. Choosing Control or Synthesis means the reapers win, it's too obvious. You get the "even the geth" on Destroy to persuade you not to fight them. Remember this is an enemy that gets in your head


and also http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/7/79577/2148583-xjXdX.png


I'm clinging to hope that this is true and that a real ending is coming

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^ That info came from 4chan, I'd take it with a grain of salt. Same goes for different conspiracy theories.


There has been however some comotion in BW.. whether it's because of damage control or because they had a trick up their sleeve from day one, they do seem to pay more attention to the "whining, entitled" majority... Of course, in the end, as pennyarcade noted, we just might get a "there have been mistakes"-like apology several months after the release.


I suppose the right thing to do is continue the pressure but don't give in to hope just to watch it squashed a second time :)

Edited by FreeeLancer
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To pay extra for a dlc only to get the ending right is messed up, but nice goin still. At first i did not notice it was all playing out in your head (even tho in review it seems quite obvious). Edited by Nadimos
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Sometimes I think they added multiplayer so you can't whine it's ending gameplay. "You want to play after the end? Play multiplayer!"


If they do it right the DLC will just be more explanatory, if they indeed 'fix' the end the DLC should be for free...not paid. As it should've been in the game from the start then.

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