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Preston Garvey - broken dialog "when freedom calls"


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@ LucidLady actually you can take all the settlements and still start the MM quest line.


What you can not do is (1) take all the settlements and (2) kill everyone so there are no settlers to help as I described.


These are facts based on reproducable scripted tests (I have even included a link to the script above so you can try it) not reddit opinions.

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@ LucidLady actually you can take all the settlements and still start the MM quest line.


What you can not do is (1) take all the settlements and (2) kill everyone so there are no settlers to help as I described.


These are facts based on reproducable scripted tests (I have even included a link to the script above so you can try it) not reddit opinions.

One of us is definitely misreading the other. My fault, I just typed "taking all the settlements" instead of "killing all the settlements". That is a crucial distinction.

But we are on the same page - if you kill all settlers before talking to Preston, it'll break the Minutemen questline.

It's just, I thought that was a fairly known thing, so I was surprised to see someone like you who's so knowledgeable about the game running a test on something like that.

But maybe you were testing something special about it and I just didn't understand? Am I missing something?

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I am currently working with some folks on various "kill everything" challenges and we were exploring the impact on main quest factions. What happens if you kill all the X ...


The fact that taking all the settlements before the generalissimo conversation still works shows some flexible "corner condition" thinking. There are some other radiants that could have been included in the make work stack that can progress MM quests without any settler spokespersons, like build a recruitment beacon or build defenses but they weren't.

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Hey, I just solved the problem with the dialog, for myself at least. After the awkward staring for a while I fast traveled to tenpenny, tried to talk with the farmers which only resulted in "Yes?" and such, came back to Sanctuary, talked with Preston which resulted in another staredown...then however I tried opening the pip-boy during the scene which somehow activated the dialog. Seems like the prick likes to ignore people but doesn't like being ignored, I hope I helped.

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