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Trying to Understand SKSE INI and Install


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Not sure what else I can do to prevent CTD and infinite load screens.


Have used Mod Manager, LOOT, and Wrye Bash. I did have have SKSE installed through Steam, but my (wrong?) understanding was SKSE wouldn't run if it was Steam installed.


So I unistalled it at Steam, and tried using Mod Manager to install it, and get the message: Skyrim script extender installed through steam-Skse ini file has been added


Can someone please explain

1. Is SKSE running or not?

2. Why did the INI file just show up now? I looked for it multiple times before but couldn't find it

3. What do I change in the INI file? Based on what I read, if I understand, i need to edit the DefaultheapinitialallocMB=768. Is there anything else I need to do?

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