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Severe slow-downs with shields on back.


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It's taken me a while to find the culprit of the severe slow-downs I experience when switching / drawing weapons: shields on my character's back. When I use Dual Sheath Redux (or Auto Unequip Shield to Back which I tried as an alternative), the game severely slows down, like 0-5fps until the (de-)equip is completed. Disabling said mods resolves the issue. When I de-select "Shields on back" for Dual Sheath Redux in MCM, the issue also disappears.


Does this sound familiar to anyone? On my previous install (my old pc) I did not experience this at all. I really want shields on character's backs, so this is quite a bummer. I tried removing all animation mods I have (which aren't many, 18 animations in total) to no avail and I'm at a loss.


Thanks for any insights.

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It's the same for me

happens every time I switch between melee (sword and shield) and anything else

this happens when using hotkeys , not sure about switching from inventory

I also get the same slow down when using potions via hotkeys

I'm guessing it's related to having scripts running , which really slow down your game

maybe if you use some rather script heavy mods along side the mentioned ones

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Perhaps you're right. After playing some more without Dual Sheath Redux, the issues still appear, albeit a bit later. The thing is that I didn't install anything that I haven't installed before on several different occasions, except for 2k/4k texture packs because of my faster PC (uninstalling those texture packs made no difference at all and I have to limit the game to 60 FPS via ENB even with all of them installed).


I'm still trying different combinations of mods but I'm not confident. I have "only" 130 mods active at the moment, many of them optional add-ons to main mods and mostly texture/armour mods. My installation before this one had double that amount of mods and no issues at all.

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Okay I think it's fixed, and it had nothing to do with mods, but with the fact that when I upgraded it switched to an nvidia card and a G-Sync monitor, which caused the issues.


At first I set EnableFPSLimit=true in enblocal.ini because I went way over 60FPS and that caused lots of glitches. I guess this was the core of the issue, because after making some changes as described on reddit by a user named Varno23, all my issues are gone and I can use all mods without problems, including Dual Sheath Redux :-). His/her remarks are posted here. I hope this post may one day help someone else instead of just clutter the boards.



Of course this wasn't it either. I'm still not 100% sure as to the reasons, but ENB is the cause. With ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false I experience the slowdowns; with ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true I don't, but the game crashes very often. Maybe ENB and memory stuff doesn't go well with my Ryzen CPU/board. I tried playing without ENB using other mods and tweaks to improve the graphics, but nothing comes close. After trying tons of combinations, ENB 0.262 and K ENB Pure Light provide a satisfactory result without slow-downs.

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