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Request Mod Tutorial


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So let me first state that this isn't your typical request; I'm looking for someone to make a tutorial on how to create the ethereal effect that the bound weapons have. I want to create an armor in the future, but in order to complete it I'll need to know how to make the fx that the bound weapons have. If anyone can help or point me in the direction of an already existing tutorial, I'd appreciate it! Thanks for your time.
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I believe there was a nifskope particle tutorial on Tesnexus and I am sure a lot of it could apply to a skyrim weapon. Particles are way over my head currently so you would have to probably learn a few things first. It can be found here if you want, but I can't help you out with it :laugh: . Best of luck to you.
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Ah, I was afraid that it would be more complex than importing weapons/armor and it seems my fears were founded. Thanks for your help. Hopefully a modder who has knowledge of particles will take pity and make a tutorial explaining the process soon.
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Maybe someday I will, but I think I've found an alternative for now. I remember the Frostmourne mod had glowing runes and I thought about how I might be able to use that for my armor. I'll make the armor part I'm thinking of transparent with an emissive glow. Thanks again for trying to help, it gave me the inspiration I needed to find a different solution!
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