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Mods that make goods and services way expensive?


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Is there a mod that makes things in Skyrim way more expensive, so it makes sense for you to go after bounties for the extra income? I always find it extremely easy to accumulate an immense wealth before I even reach level 75. I looked around but haven't found any mods that would do this.

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I've seen and use mods that increase the bounty payments but haven't seen any for room renting. But I ended up searching and this sounds neat: Extended Stay - Longer Inn Rental - Customize Prices - Special Edition


From mod description:

" The prices of booking an extended stay can be easily changed using the console. Follow these examples. For instance, if you wanted three days to cost 100, a week to cost 500, and a month to cost 1000, you'd do this:
set RoomCost3Day to 100
set RoomCost7Day to 500
set RoomCost30Day to 1000
You can do the same thing with base room cost by using:
set RoomCost to [number] "
Edited by Niborino9409
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Found these 2 by searching "expensive" on the Nexus SE page :tongue:






Say goodbye to your full coin purse! :D

Edited by Niborino9409
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