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Best mod load order


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Before you go and ask "this is a faq and use Wyre Bash or LOOT" or something like that, I am trying to make some sort of empty .esps that divide my load order so that I can clarify where I should place this and this.


So yeah, what is the best thing to do first? I know that the UFO4P is to be next after the main .esms (but CC update forces me to place it down under my .esm mods), then there's this thing of placing mods on the bottom (load last?) of the pile.


So what should I do? Are texture and model fixes first or quests or overhauls? Or additions?

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in my opinion there is no "Best" load order. If i would place my load order with my mods. someone else would certainly get glitches or incompatibility issues when having another mod less or more.


i used loot. it took care of 70-80% of my glitches. but its not superior. i had 6 mods conflicting. one i had to deinstall (some interior light and fx mod) because it fitted nowhere without bugging a specific location.


for the other 6 mods i had to play around with the load order until the found glitches went away (8 hours pain work). loot has a handy function. you can tell that a specific mod has to load after another one.


and i'm still not sure if i have any conflicts left. its an ongoing work.


well you can't avoid going through guides:

this is what i found on quick google search:


Nexus Mods Wiki: Load order recommendations

Fallout 4 Mod List and Load Order Guide (BiRaitBec Modlist)

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