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No "Thanks for your help" after Settlement Attack


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So, whenever a group of enemies attack my settlement, and we fight them off ... the dead enemies leave some loot (armors, weapons). After the battle, I talk to a settler so I can "trade some items with them" ... but that isn't an option after a settlement attack. The settlers just keep thanking me for helping them. If I talk to them again... they just thank me again. And again. Even if I sleep for 8 hours, they just thank me. It's very frustrating!


Wondering if someone can create a mod to either ... get of the THANKS messages ... or just have the settler thank me once.




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Maybe you know this already but, in the meantime... whenever this bug happens you can fix by going into console and clicking each settler and type "removefromfaction 1125FE" (no quotations). Kind of a hassle, depending on how many settlers you have, but it's always worked for me (unlike the myriad of other "solutions" I found on the web like wait, travel to another settlement and buy something, etc. etc.)

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