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SG 2K textures with WICO


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So I am using Mod organizer, and wanted to overwrite SG 2k Textures over the female ones from WICO with it. I followed the tutorials , but the WICO textureds are still overriding the SG ones.


Things I have done so far:

SG Textures in Left pain are Priority 24

WICO in left pane priority is at the complete bottom.


In right pane under data, I have hidden the main WICO textures (femalehead, femaled body, and female hands). However I am still left with many "Red" conflicts in the data Pane.


So the question is how can i remove those conflicts with Mod Organizer ?

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If you want SG to overwrite WICO, then you need to reverse the left pane priorities so SG is at the bottom below WICO. The lower it is (higher number), the higher it's priority. I know that probably sounds backwards, but think of each mod listed in the order it overwrites the previous one.


Don't know about the red conflicts on the right, as I've only ever hidden textures on the left side. Since WICO is in a bsa, I would think as long as you have a loose texture on the left side overwriting it, you shouldn't have to mess with its data on the right.

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