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Renegade Priests


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I would like to see a created NPC that is the opposite of Maramal. Where as he is called upon to perform dark marriages of any sought. For an example performs weddings for Bandits, Vampires, Forsworns..etc. It would be cool to see it done in a Chapel Dark and Bleak looking with a defiled statue of Mara. Some where in the winter wastes...um...like Ygs tomb. And the price for the ceremony to kill and deliver a good person's heart or something. Something that Challenges the player to think.."Is it worth it?". I am pretty sure that there are many that would find marrying Bandit Maruaders or Forsworn Shaman pretty cool. It would also add to the Dark Theme Created Character. Maybe find an Ancient Vampire to marry would be awesome. Ty. Edited by moebius989
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