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Problem with character's face


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I used Dimonized's UNP female body mod - v.1.2 - and Xenius's charachter enhancement 1.12. No other mod that messes with the character's skin, not other than that. Everything was running up smoothly until I made an attempt to install this little babe [http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11645], anyhow, the mod wouldn't work in either versions, problem is, after that, every single time I load my game through the launcher, my char's face keeps the nordic facial features and everything I've set up from the race menu, except for the skin complexion. It's as if my player is a nord woman with a khajiit skin. I have to take off any gear that enhances my stats and enter the racemenu all over again. I tried running the game withoun any mod, loading earlier saves, nothing works.

Doesn't happen when loading a game with another character that isn't a nord. Had another save with a Breton female, had no problem whatsoever. So I'm guessing it has to do with the default Nord skins? Dunno, I'm a total noob when it comes to sorting this kinda things out.

I know I should've adressed this to the mod creators but I've no idea which one might be causing the clusterf**k. Plus, I've tried running it moddless as I said, so I'm guessing it goes a little deeper.



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