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[Scripting] Using Havok Impuse


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Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
 Debug.Trace(akActionRef + " just entered us!")
;if (akActionRef==Game.GetPlayer())
	akActionRef.ApplyHavokImpulse(60.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100000) ; Throw the player backwards

Event OnTrigger(ObjectReference akActionRef)
 Debug.Trace(akActionRef + " just hit us!")
;if (akActionRef==Game.GetPlayer())
	akActionRef.ApplyHavokImpulse(60.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10000000000) ; Throw the player backwards


So this does nothing currently when walking into the trigger. Any suggestions? I know the values are ridiculous but apparently 10,000 throws around a weapon and I tried going slightly higher but still no effect. I know it is getting there because in my latest version I use a message as a quick debug. Any ideas? Or any ideas how I can achieve the same effect and throw the player backwards like they just got fus-ro-dah'd?

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