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More realistic mining animation


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something a friend of mine pointed out was how lackluster the mining looks in Skyrim, and I have to agree, the light "tink tink tink" tapping of the pick on the ground doesn't really put forth the actual EFFORT you'd really have to put into using a pickaxe to break ore out of a vein. It requires a lot of upper body strength put into the swing for the pickaxe to actually do anything, I mean these ARE rocks we're talking about.


Also would be nice to see if said mod actually makes mining incur a stamina drain... you try swinging a pickaxe at a rock for a few minutes and see if you're not tired...

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Partially correct, but it's all about pressure and inertia. The weight of the pickaxe does most of the work. The biggest job for the miner is lifting it high enough and keeping it stable, rather than swinging it.


A stamina drain is a good idea though, and the swing should be a bit faster due to gravity alone.

Edited by Rennn
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