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[LE] Divine elegance avallach armor


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Ladies, gentlemens and all the people in between and outside the gender spectrum (you rock, btw, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise) , in other words fellow players, first of all thank you fo making it this far into such a pretentious and purple prose.

I recently downloaded apachii's divine elegance store (awesome mod, btw, if you can go download it and give the author some love) and wanted to edit avallach robe to be considered light armor. While I succeeded in modifying it's category and armor rating (I indexed it on Detlaff's outfit from the same mod), it seems two problems have arisen.


1st problem. I can't seems to temper the armor. Is there a way for me to make it temperable via leather using TESVEdit? (I prefer not to use the creation kit cuz the last time I installed it, it deleted my skyrim folder.)


2nd problem: The armor rating doesn't seems to scale correctly: While Detlaff's coat have an armor rating of 70 at roughly 31 light armor skill, while avallach robe only have 51. Do I need to use TESVEdit to modify the armor rating progression?


If these questions have already been answered before I'd like to apologize for having wasted your time.

Thank you in advance to whoever will consider my demand and possibly bring me answers.


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For the first issue tempering. It just requires a recipe to do so. In this screenshot the left column of the spreadsheet is the tempering recipe, the right is the crafting recipe. I haven't used the mod you're referring to so I'm not sure if it has a crafting recipe or not. In any case you just need to make a tempering recipe and specify the materials required for crafting. In the screenshot that is the 4 leather strips. The conditions are somewhat optional but I like immersion. The only technical difference between the 2 recipes that determines whether it is a creation recipe vs a tempering one is which workbench is used.





For your second issue the armor value is explicitly set regardless of the type (clothing, light, heavy). The scaling as you call it is the effect perks have on the item based on its keywords and such.




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