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Asuka Kazama Follower + Preset [Tekken 7]


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I'd really like to see a mod that makes Asuka Kazama (The version from Tekken 7, they all look a little different after all) a follower and possibly even a preset that we could use for our own character. Tekken 7 is out for PC as well and it has a small but decent modding community, if that helps in any way.

Doesn't really NEED to have a story or extra features, a generic follower with a somewhat matching voice is fine. Just would love to see the face reproduced (Or ported maybe?) as acurately as possible. CBBE body type is preferred and more faithful to the original.

I really wish I was good at modding so that I could do it myself but that's definitely not the case. I'd really appreciate it if someone at least attempted this mod. Thanks!

Edit: I obviously know this is super lore-unfriendly but I'd still love to see it happen.







Edited by darkblaze76
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