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disable defend checkpoints


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For me, defending checkpoints were interesting for a while but eventually got tedious. To the point where my romps through the Commonwealth intentionally try to avoid triggering these things, but it's almost unavoidable. And don't even get me started on getting a defend the checkpoint message when you're traveling on a vertibird... aaargh.

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hm, in my game at a certain point they stopped appearing.

actually i'd like them back in my case :)


but, yup there is no mod that either disables or re-enables this.


as far as i got it right, they are radiant quests.

only seem to find this mod which disables all radiant quests per faction thus overkill. and i'm not sure if the "defend checkpoint" is faction related.

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Thanks much for the link, maverikch. I'm not looking to disable all radiant quests but, perhaps if I can up my ambition a bit, I might try to poke around in that mod to see if I can figure out and isolate how it disables checkpoint quests and perhaps make a little personal "disable checkpoint" mod for myself.

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  • 2 years later...

I literally can't walk or fast travel from any point to any point without getting 1-3 of these. I have 40 sets of power armor of varying types and a million caps, I have no need for these to trigger. I almost want to learn how to mod to do this myself at some point. If this mod came out in the Creation Club, it would be the first and only mod I would purchase.

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