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GetUpdate within a magic effect


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So doing some testing with scripting magic effects, and I can't seem to get the OnUpdate to work as I would expect. Basically here is my script that is attached to an Fire and Forget aimed spell:


Scriptname Test extends activemagiceffect  

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Event OnUpdate()

So I would expect stuff to happen every second, however instead stuff only happens once and then never again. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

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I have tried anything from 5 seconds to 5 minutes, doesn't seem to affect the problem I am having. The value I am changing is the duration of the magic effect that is attached to the spell. Is there anywhere else I should be changing to increase the duration? I read that when a spell is finished it unregisters the update, but that magic effect duration was the only place I saw where I could increase the duration unless I missed something. Edited by haganinc
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