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Followers keep going to the bannared mare BUG


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I have a few custom follower .sofia recorder and inigo .for some reason they keep walking to the bannared mare no matter what i do .even if i dismiss them Recored is supposed to go back to riverwood and Inigo to the Riftin prison .

does any one know what this is and what can be done to fix it

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this is usually caused by follower overhaul mods


Immersive follower overhaul


ultimate follower overhaul


extensible follower framework


and potentionally my home is your home mod


any of the above, (basically any mod that has follower management in the description or title, should be avoided for the specific followers you currently have)


so yea, if you have these disable them and see if the problem persists.


you should not be using these mods on the followers mentioned, since they have their own follower framework, i know for a fact that both sofia and inigo do, and it has been specifically stated by the authors of both mods, that they do not recommend follower overhaul mods, and that said mods will break them.


but i can only give assumptions since i do not know your load order, and thus cannot know for sure if it is a mod conflict.

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i dont have any of those mods or any follower management mods learned that lesson years ago some one mentioned open civil war i have that .i also have immersive citizens far as i know they do not effect those followers

Edited by scivirus
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